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5 ways small business IT consulting services have changed
May 15, 2023 at 9:00 PM
Image of a laptop used by IT consulting services for small businesses.

For small businesses, finding the ideal IT support can be a challenge. Larger enterprises have the resources to hire a full-time IT staff member, but small businesses rarely need that kind of comprehensive support. Using corporate services like Geek Squad and the Genius Bar minimizes an organization's technology budget, but getting prompt, effective support can be challenging. And while customer support lines for hardware and software might be helpful, they don't always offer the specialized knowledge that small businesses need.

IT consultants for small businesses, like ITs Managed, provide tailored solutions for the unique pain points experienced by growing companies. This blog highlights five ways IT consulting services have changed over the past decade and why they are ideal for small businesses.

Emphasis on customization

Gone are the days of generic, one-size-fits-all IT solutions. In an increasingly diverse and complex business world, IT consulting services have evolved to offer customized support that caters to the specific needs of each business.

By taking the time to understand your industry, goals, and pain points, IT consultants can design, create, and implement IT solutions that perfectly align with your requirements.

Your technology needs are bound to change as your business grows and evolves. IT consulting services adapt their support so scaling companies meet new challenges confidently.

When you have a growth mindset, the last thing you need is to be held back by outdated technology or inadequate support. By continually assessing your IT infrastructure and staying informed about your business's progress, a consultant can modify solutions to ensure they work for your organization.

“when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.”
― Why The Lucky Stiff

Commitment to client satisfaction

Over the past ten years, IT consulting services have put a stronger emphasis on ensuring client satisfaction. Firms like ITs Managed now offer 100% satisfaction guarantees, ensuring a team of technology and small business experts will not only support your organization but genuinely care about your success.

Proactive problem solving

IT consulting services have shifted from reactive to proactive support to prevent issues before they affect a business, focusing on the following:

  • Stopping costly computer problems
  • IT downtime
  • Data loss

By employing advanced monitoring and diagnostic tools, IT consultants will identify and resolve potential issues before they become major problems, saving you time and money.

Cloud services adoption

As cloud technology has become increasingly popular and essential, consulting services have begun to offer a range of cloud-based solutions.

Popular services include:

  • Managing backups and cloud servers
  • Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

These expanded services enable businesses to enjoy the flexibility, scalability, and security benefits of the cloud without the need to manage it themselves.

Data and network security

In today's interconnected world, data breaches and cyberattacks pose a significant threat to businesses of all sizes. IT consulting services have recognized the need for robust data and network security and have developed specialized expertise in this area.

Conducting a thorough assessment of a business's IT infrastructure enables consultants to identify potential vulnerabilities and implement multi-layered security measures to protect your sensitive data and critical systems.

Typical security measures include:

  • Firewalls
  • Intrusion detection and prevention systems
  • Encryption
  • Regular security updates

By partnering with an IT consulting service, you can rest assured that your business is protected against cyber threats and that your data is kept safe and secure.

Make an appointment with ITs Managed in Grants Pass, Oregon, for custom IT consulting services for small businesses.

If you're a small business owner who needs reliable, customized IT support, partner with ITs Managed. As IT consulting services have evolved over the past decade, they have become the go-to solution for businesses seeking tailored, proactive support.

Don't be held back by IT issues—book an appointment with ITs Managed to discover how their custom IT services can help your business thrive in Brookings, Gold Beach, Port Orford, and beyond.